Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jamaica Team Meeting #1: Recap

What is the reason you joined this team? There are lots of really good reasons for going on missions trips: curiosity, calling, friendship, growth, challenge, opportunity, service, etc... and lots of you gave good reasons why you want to go. We all know our own reasons for joining the team, but what is God's reason for putting you on the team? As one who believes in the sovereignty of God, I trust that God has a purpose for you on this team. One of our tasks on this trip is to simply pay attention. We need to pay attention to what God is doing in and around us. We need to pay attention to the things God is speaking to us, the things to which he is calling us, and the role that he is giving us to play on this trip.

Expectations: If you've been on a mission trip before then you probably already know what I am going to say, and that is, "Expectations are our Enemy, Flexibility is our Friend." Even as we discover the things that God is doing in and through us on this trip we must remain open to God's prerogative to completely alter all of our plans. So, as you prepare for this trip, pray that God would make you aware of the things that you are holding on to, the things that will prevent you from being completely flexible, completely available for His use.

Prayer: As I watched the DR'08 Team video last week I was struck with the idea that this year's trip needs to be centered on the theme of PRAYER. As I day dreamed about that a little I saw students on the team circled in prayer in Jamaica, calling on God. If that dream is going to be a reality I recognize that we are going to have to prepare. That is the reason we have set up the prayer partners system. If we are going to be a team of prayer, we need to start praying today.

Accountability: I believe that we hinder our own spiritual growth when we refuse to allow ourselves to be transparent with others and to give someone permission to challenge us to take things to the next level. It is my goal that each of your prayer partners (along with the encouragement of your leaders) will facilitate your growth through regular accountability.

James 5:16

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results.

Start a Journal: I didn't mention this in the meeting but I think it would be a great exercise for each of you to begin. Journal your thoughts as you look ahead to the trip. Journal your prayers. Journal your questions and struggles. This process will help you get more out of the trip, and can make it easier for you to identify the themes and movements of God in your life as you try to discern what God is up to as he forms your life.

Check your email regularly.
Turn in payments on time (see payment schedule on fact sheet) and with the donation record.
Apply for your passport if you haven't already.
Email me your T-Shirt size.
Print and sign the liability waiver and turn in to me or the business office.
Pray regularly with your prayer partner.

Next Meeting: Sunday, December 14, 3:00-4:30pm

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