Friday, April 20, 2007

What will life be like on the YWAM Base?

Ok... maybe not quite this nice...

I just got a list from YWAM on some of their guidelines for visiting groups. Hopefully this will answer some of the questions that I've been hearing from you at the last few meetings. Take a virtual tour of the YWAM base here.


We hope that your relationships with members of the opposite sex will be seen as a reflection of Christ in purity, respect and modesty. We request that the men not visit the ladies in their dorms and vice-versa.


We recommend that all members of your team leave the base in groups of 3 or larger. It is not wise for a foreigner who is unknowledgeable of an area to venture out alone. We also advise you not to bring expensive cameras, jewelry or watches and especially not carry large amounts of cash on your person when outside the base. Be no less cautious about thieves than you would anywhere else. Carry money in an inside or hidden pocket. Backpacks and shoulder bags should be carried in front of you.

Please be aware that the YWAM cannot be responsible for items that are stolen.


As with any shift from one country to another, you'll find some things difficult to adjust to at first. Different foods, climate, scenery, people, housing, customs and traditions... the list goes on. But don’t worry you won't be alone, we have all been there and you'll be surprised how quickly you'll adjust to the changes!


Rice and beans with tortillas are part of the menu, but we'll also be eating a wide variety of other foods - including pancakes for breakfast on some days, tortillas, salads, international foods, and fresh fruit! The food in Costa Rica is mild unless you want to add some more hot sauce to your own meal! Be prepared to try foods you've never eaten before - it's all part of the cross-cultural experience that makes Youth With a Mission so unique!

Meals are served buffet-style, and everyone eats together. Your team will be assigned work duties in the kitchen from time to time to help with the clean up.


We are YWAM San José are a close-knit community. The warmth of the Latino culture is very evident on the base. Don't be surprised if people hug you or pat you on the shoulder more often than you are used to - this is simply the Latino way of making you feel that you're part of the family. Accommodation is in dormitory-style rooms. There is also a ‘girls' bathroom and a ‘guys' bathroom - with showers and outlets for your hair-dryer.


Mornings are generally warm and sunny. There will be some occasions when you'll need to be out in the rain, so bring a rain jacket and an umbrella with you.


For calling home you will need a calling card which you may purchase from our office. Your family back home can use the following number to reach you during your trip:

(506) 227-6805


We do have a high speed internet café available, with 5 computers and we also offer wireless access available for those who may bring their own laptops. There is no extra charge for this service.


There are a wide variety of banks in the city with ATM’s that accept most different cards. Also almost all credit cards are accepted at most local stores. You can also exchange money at several local stores, who will accept dollars and give you change in colones, the local currency. If you plan on bringing traveler’s checks, we recommend that you only use AMERICAN EXPRESS.

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