Monday, April 30, 2007

Recap: Team Meeting #3 - The chemistry of a TEAM.

I don't know what to say other than... what an incredible meeting. The whole way home I kept thinking about how awesome this group is and how I'm glad to be a part of this team (and I'm glad that I went ahead and kept pushing for a trip to happen this year.)

Thanks to each of you for taking the faith step to sign up for this trip. I am excited (if you couldn't tell) about what God is going to do in and through us on this journey. We may have bumps and things that don't work out the way we would prefer, but I believe God will use it all to shape us and to create opportunities for us to influence others for the sake of His kingdom.

So, I'm pretty sure this was the best team meeting ever. Kathie put together some incredible food which may end up leaving us disappointed in Costa Rica, but I say it was worth it for the cilantro cream sauce alone. After we partook of the"ambrosia", we talked for a few minutes about what makes a good team. Here's the list of characteristics we put together:
* honesty, sacrifice, unity, dedication, communication, cooperation, flexibility, expectation, care/concern, encouragement, respect, common goals, patience, helpfulness, dependability, commitment, and humor.

The question left to ask is... what is it going to take for each one of us to be that kind of team member? Our goal is to have everyone embody these characteristics and therefore literally be an indispensable player on the team. Over the next few weeks I'd like each of us to consider what things may need adjustment in our lives in order to be the kind of team player that we all described. Focus in on a characteristic or two and really try to live that out for the other team members in the next few weeks. We'll talk about the results when we get together at the next meeting.

We read the following verses from Ecclesiastes that serve as a reminder to us that everything we are doing for this trip is bigger than anything we could do on our own. It'd be easy for someone to go buy a ticket and fly to Costa Rica... but impossible for an individual to try to accomplish what we will do as a team. This concept served as another reminder that we must be team players to get the most out of this experience. We'll accomplish more when we stick together.

Eccles. 4:9-12
Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get a better return for their labor. [10] If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But people who are alone when they fall are in real trouble. [11] And on a cold night, two under the same blanket can gain warmth from each other. But how can one be warm alone? [12] A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

  1. We made a few other administrative announcements at the meeting of which you will want to make a note.
  2. If I didn't get your birth date and your passport number or soc. number. I need that info by Wednesday. It is necessary for the travel insurance.
  3. Flight times were announced and due to our later departure time we have decided to forgo the slumber party the night before. We will, however, still have our pre-trip training meeting on the 9th at JCS.
  4. Money raise over and above the team goal will go toward the general fund for all participants. This is for the sake of the team, and the IRS. (I am learning as I go on this whole thing.)
  5. If you have received your passport recently and haven't told me your passport number please do so immediately.
  6. Our team shirts are scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Don't get too excited though because I won't pass them out until the day before we leave. You'll all need to wear them on the 10th for our flight out. It makes it easier to see everyone in the airport.
Thanks again to everyone for making the sacrifices necessary to be on this team. I appreciate you all and am seriously looking forward to a great trip with you.

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