Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Final Team Meeting Re-Scheduled

Our final team meeting that was originally scheduled for June 7th conflicts with another event to which some of our team and adult leaders are already committed.

Therefore our final team meeting will be Thursday
, June 11th from 6:30pm - 8:00pm @ JCS Elementary. The school works well as a meeting place since we have 22 students plus all their parents.

This meeting is for parents and students. We will cover our final pieces of info, answer questions, and pray together for this trip. Oh yeah, and we'll eat! If everyone would bring a dish to share we should have plenty of food for everyone. Please email me to let me know what you will be bringing so we don't end up with 22 bags of chips.

Also, please email me with any questions you may have and I will make sure they are part of the meeting agenda.



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