Friday, May 30, 2008

Team Meeting June 6th!

Just made the final arrangements for our long awaited team meeting. It will be Friday, June 6th from 5:45 - 7:30 @ the Meade's (4266 Springbrook). I want to start right away with the meeting stuff so please be sharp!

I also want to include parents (one or both) at this meeting so that everyone gets a chance to meet each other and get all the info. Parents sometimes enjoy meeting other parents (I know... it's weird).

I'll have a whole packet of info for parents with flight times and all that jazz. If you are a parent and you can not make it to the meeting just let me know and I will get you the packet.

For the meeting, we will be eating dinner at the Meade's. They are providing the burgers, dogs, and beverages. We all need to bring a passing dish.

Seniors & Freshmen: bring desserts
Juniors & Sophomores: bring sides

This is an important meeting so please make plans to be there with the team!

In the mean time... email me with all of your questions and I will be sure to have answers for you at the meeting.

10 days till we leave!!!


Mr. n

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