Monday, July 9, 2007

Team Reunion

We met this evening for our final Costa Rica 2007 team meeting. We enjoyed an all-american meal at the Meade's and had fun catching up on what others have been up to since the trip.

I think one of the most difficult parts of returning home from a trip like this one is what I call the experience barrier. We all had a unique experience and it's unrealistic to even try to communicate to others the entirety of what we saw and did (and what God did). That barrier can be frustrating since most of us want to tell others about the trip.

The only remedy I've found is to invite everyone I know on a trip like this. So, I'm already getting excited about next year's trip and I'm dreaming about how to involve more people.

I hope to announce our 2008 Royal Servants destination before school resumes. I hope you'll join us.

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