Monday, February 26, 2007

The Fact Sheet: Costa Rica '07

Updated 2/13/07

Destination: San Jose, Costa Rica

Dates: June 10, 2007 through June 18, 2007

Cost: $1,300. Cost includes air and ground travel, meals, and lodging.

If you do not already have a valid passport you will need to apply for one immediately. Passport application can cost up to $130. See “What documents will I need” section below for more details.

Additional funds will be needed for spending money and souvenirs.

Transportation: We’ll travel by bus from JCS to Detroit Metro Airport and fly from there to Houston, TX. and then on to San Jose, Costa Rica.

Adult / Student Ratio: There will be a minimum of 1 adult for every 7 students.

Food & Lodging: Our week will be spent at the YWAM base in San Jose. We will have our meals prepared for us by the YWAM staff. (Take a virtual tour of the facility at

What will we do:

1. Build relationships – above everything else, we want to build relationships with people. This takes priority over all of our other goals because we recognize the eternal nature of relationship. We want to learn from the people

2. Help build houses for people without homes or living in desperate conditions.

3. Help make the city parks usable for kids in poor areas of San Jose

4. Hopefully, we will spend one day playing soccer with some local kids in San Jose.

How do I pay for the trip?
You will be responsible for all of your trip expenses. Support may be raised through support letters sent out by each participant. All gifts toward this trip will be tax deductible. A sample fund raising letter is available and should be modified to reflect your personality. Support checks or payments should be made out to Jackson Christian School with your name and “Costa Rica Mission” in the memo line.

In addition to the $100 deposit, three payments (or raised funds) of $400 each will be needed by the following dates.

· Monday, March 5, 2007

· Monday, March 26

· Monday, April 23, 2007

What documents will I need?
Passports are required for travel anywhere outside the U.S. Applications for passports are available at the Post Office, or online at

Passport application fees:

Ages 16 or older = $97

Under 16 = $82

Once your application is filled out you will need two passport photos and a certified copy of your birth certificate.

Photographs for passports are an additional $15 if taken at the post office. They can be purchased elsewhere for around $8 (available at AAA, Walgreen’s, Kinko’s, Office Max, etc.) but you ought to know that the post office is sometimes picky about exactly how the photos look, they may send you back for re-takes before accepting your application.

Birth certificates are available from the county office in the county in which you were born. Fees for certificates vary but should be available for less than $15. The application along with birth certificate and photos can be taken to the post office for processing.

Passports usually take 30 days to process so if you do not have one, you’ll want to apply immediately. Expediting your passport application costs an additional $60.

What vaccinations do I need?
Health Information for Travelers to Countries in Mexico and Central America is available on the Center for Disease Control website:

Please, consult your physician before proceeding with any immunizations.

No vaccinations are required to make the trip, however, due to the nature of the trip it is recommended that your Tetanus shot is up to date.

Who are we working with?
Mr. Neill will be the leader of this short-term missions trip from Jackson Christian School. In an effort to make this a great experience, we have chosen to work with two ministries, Ultimate Goal and Youth With A Mission (YWAM).

Ultimate Goal is a ministry based in Nashville, TN. Their purpose is to obey the Great Commission by using soccer as a cultural bridge to develop relationships and share Christ in a natural, non-threatening way. We also recognize the tremendous opportunity to train, motivate, encourage, and challenge teenagers and young adults in the areas of missions, evangelism, and ministry.

Read more about Ultimate Goal at

Youth With A Mission is an international movement of Christians from many denominations dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. Also known as YWAM (pronounced "WYE-wam"), their calling is to know God and to make Him known. Back when they began in 1960, their main focus was to get youth into short-term mission work and to give them opportunities to reach out in Jesus' name. Today, they still focus on youth, and also involve people of almost every age (even many people who choose to spend their "retirement" in active service). Their many ministries fit into three main categories: evangelism, training and mercy ministry. YWAM is currently operating in more than 1000 locations in over 149 countries, with a staff of nearly 16,000.

Read more about YWAM at

When is my application due?
JCS Mission Trip Applications (available from Mr. Neill) must be turned in to Mr. Neill by 3 pm on Friday February 23, 2007. A deposit of $100 is required with each application.

Meeting Dates:

Parent / Student Information Meeting (not required)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

7:00 – 8:00 pm @ JCHS in Mr. Neill’s room

Required Team Meetings

· Monday, February 26, 2007 – 7:00 – 8:00 @ Mr. Neill’s house.

· Monday, March 19, 2007 – 7:00 – 8:00 @ Mr. Neill’s house.

· Monday, April 16, 2007 – 7:00 – 8:00 @ Mr. Neill’s house.

· Monday, April 30, 2007 – 7:00 – 8:00 @ Mr. Neill’s house.

· Monday, May 21, 2007 – 7:00 – 8:00 @ Mr. Neill’s house.

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