Thursday, September 4, 2008

2009 Royal Servants Summer Missions Trip


Dates: June 16-24, 2008

Cost: $550. Cost includes in-country ground transportation, lodging, meals, insurance, and a brief excursion to YS falls. This cost is subject to change based on a group size larger than 30. (Current Airfares are estimated at $440/person – estimated total trip cost = $990. This is an estimation based on airfares that are subject to change.)

If an applying team member does not already have a valid passport they will need to apply for one immediately. Passport application can cost up to $130 and can take months to process. See “What documents will I need” section below for more details.

Additional funds will be needed for spending money and souvenirs if desired.

Who are we working with?

In an effort to make this a great experience, JCS has chose partner with Simply Missions and Kingdom Builders Ministry. Simply Missions is a non-profit organization directed by Mr. Neill and focused on organizing and leading short-term mission trips that are simple, effective, and relational. Kingdom Builders Ministry is a nonprofit, nondenominational, para-church organization ministering in Jamaica since 1996. Based in Whitehouse, Westmoreland, on the southwestern coast of the island, KBM ministers both in the local church and through its children’s home and other ministry connections throughout the island. KBM is widely acknowledged across the island of Jamaica for their work with abandoned and neglected children. “My Father’s House Children’s Home” is the nickname for the residential care home that Kingdom Builders operates in Jamaica, and our team will be working and staying at “My Fathers House” which is situated only a few blocks from the ocean.

All transportation in Jamaica will be provided through the Simply Missions partnership with KBM. Airline tickets are not included in the cost but have been estimated above.

Food & Lodging:
Meals provided upon your team’s arrival in Jamaica will depend on your specific flight itinerary. All dinners will be prepared for your team by the staff of KBM. Some teams choose to bring a few items from the U.S. just in case they don’t enjoy Jamaican cuisine.

What will the team do:

1. Build relationships: Above everything else, we want to build relationships with people. This takes priority over all of our other goals because we recognize the eternal nature of relationship. My Father’s House Children’s Home is a home for abandoned and neglected Jamaican children. We will get to know the kids as we live along side them during this trip. We may also have the opportunity to do some VBS style activities with the kids. We also hope to do some construction projects, but we always prioritize the building of relationships over the building of structures.
2. Be Christ: This involves an incarnational view of Christian missions. We expect team members to be extensions of the incarnation to those they encounter – we have God’s Spirit in us and we want to be Christ’s hands and feet for the world. Sharing Christ in this manner requires an active personal relationship with Christ. We can’t share what we don’t have.
3. Work: Teams work and work hard. Much of the construction in Jamaica is done with concrete so the work can be difficult at times. Each participant will be expected to do their share as the team assists KBM with various development projects in and around the community.
4. Have fun: It is unavoidable to have fun on trips like these. Though it may not manifest itself in specific activities on the schedule, fun will be present. If someone doesn’t like to have fun they may be disappointed. Fun takes many forms on these mission adventures, often in spontaneous and unpredictable ways. Be prepared.

How do I pay for the trip?

Each team member is responsible for all trip expenses. Support may be raised through support letters sent out by each participant. All gifts toward this trip will be tax deductible. A sample fund raising letter is available and should be modified to reflect your personality. Support checks or payments should be made out to Jackson Christian School with “Jamaica Mission” in the memo line. You will also want supporters to include a note with your name on it so we know to apply the funds to your account. If supporters wish to send their checks directly to the school be sure to have them write “ATTN: MR. NEILL” on the envelope.

In addition to the $100 deposit, seven payments (or raised funds) of $127 each will be needed by the following dates.

• Monday, November 3, 2008
• Monday, December 8, 2007
• Monday, January 5, 2009
• Monday, February 2, 2009
• Monday, March 2, 2009
• Monday, April 6, 2009
• Monday, May 4, 2009

What documents will team members need?

Passports are required for travel anywhere outside the U.S. Applications for passports are available at the Post Office, or online at

A guide for first time passport applicants is available at

Passport application fee: $97

Once your application is filled out you will need two passport photos and a certified copy of your birth certificate.

Photographs for passports are an additional $15 if taken at the post office. They can be purchased elsewhere for around $8 (available at AAA, Walgreen’s, Kinko’s, Office Max, etc.) but you ought to know that the post office is sometimes picky about exactly how the photos look, they may send you back for re-takes before accepting your application.

Birth certificates are available from the county office in the county in which you were born. Fees for certificates vary but should be available for less than $15. The application along with birth certificate and photos can be taken to the post office for processing.

Passports usually take 60 days to process so if you do not have one, you’ll want to apply immediately. Expediting your passport application costs an additional $60.

What vaccinations do I need?

Health Information for Travelers is available on the Center for Disease Control website: (click on “travelers health”)

Please, instruct participants to consult their physician before proceeding with any immunizations.

No vaccinations are required to make the trip to Jamaica, however, because of the nature of the trip it is recommended that team members have Tetanus shot.

When is my application due?

JCS Mission Trip Applications (available from Mr. Neill) must be turned in to Mr. Neill by 2:45 pm on Wednesday October 8, 2008. A deposit of $100 is required with each application in order to reserve your spot on the team. There are only 25 spaces available for this trip, so sign up quickly.

What are my responsibilities if I join the team?

When you decide to go on this trip you are joining a team. As on any other team, you have a role to play, and we see that as significant. You will need to agree to the following statement on the application before you are accepted as a team member.

MY COMMITMENT: I commit to be a member of the Royal Servants Jamaica ’09 Team. I will submit necessary documents in a timely manner. I will participate in all team activities, including required meetings and fundraisers. I will pray regularly for the team members. And, I will be flexible. I hereby recognize that by failing to fulfill this commitment I will be subject to removal from the team.

Meeting Dates:

Parent / Student Information Meeting (not required)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008.
7:00 – 8:00 pm @ JCHS in classroom #4.

Required Team Meetings
• Sunday, October 12, 2008 – 3:00 – 4:30 pm @ Mr. Neill’s (225 N. Grinnell)
• Sunday, December 14, 2008 – 3:00 – 4:30 pm @ Mr. Neill’s.
• Sunday, February 15, 2009 – 3:00 – 4:30 pm @ Mr. Neill’s.
• Sunday, April 19, 2009 – 3:00 – 4:30 pm @ Mr. Neill’s.
• Sunday, May 17, 2009 – 3:00 – 4:30 pm @ Mr. Neill’s.
• Sunday, June 7, 2009 – 3:00 – 4:30 pm @ Mr. Neill’s.