Friday, March 30, 2007

San Jose Weather Update

Here is the latest word from our host at YWAM on the weather to expect while we are in Costa Rica...

The weather here in San Jose has an average year round temp between 73-76 F. When we will be there is considered the rainy season. But each morning will usually be perfectly clear without a cloud in the sky, by afternoon the rain comes and sometimes it can rain all afternoon. But it is not a cold rain.

With this in mind you'll want to pack accordingly... and make sure you have a poncho that you can quickly throw on over your work clothes if need be. You usually can pick a poncho up for a dollar.

OR... we could pray that it only rains at night while we are there (like when we were in Guatemala).

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Costa Rica is On-Line!

Just received word that the YWAM base where we will be staying does have high speed internet access as well as five computers in their own little "internet cafe" on the base. This is great news for everyone as it means we will be able to stay in communication frequently via e-mail and the team blog! Woo Hoo!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Recap: Team Meeting #2

I hope everyone enjoyed our team meeting last night at the Drake's. In case you zoned out for a minute or couldn't remember everything when your parents asked you what we talked about... maybe this will help.

What temperatures should we expect?

  • Day = 70-80
  • Night = 30-40

What will be our housing accommodations?

  • We will be staying at 3 YWAM houses that are a part of the YWAM base in as suburb of San Jose called San Francisco. San Francisco is a district of central San José, in the southern neighborhoods. 22,000 people live in this highly developed zone of southern San José, usually known for families with low resources.
  • All meals will be prepared by YWAM staff.
  • We do the dishes.
  • Everyone is required to bring one fitted sheet for the bed you will be sleeping on. You will also need to bring your own pillow and blanket or sleeping bag.

Who is providing our in-country transportation:

  • YWAM will take care of this for us.

What kind of work projects will we be doing?

  • there are several possibilities in the works and it is difficult to say exactly what needs will be most important when we arrive, however, here is a short list of the kinds of things we anticipate working on:
  • home building
  • home repair
  • construction cleanup & assistance
  • church repair and maintenance (painting)
  • cleaning parks
  • Special Olympics soccer day

Can we drink the water?

  • Some may try to convince you that the tap water is “safe” because it is part of the municipal water system, however, experience has taught us otherwise. We will not be drinking the water from the taps in Costa Rica.
  • Plan on buying a bottle of water at the airport once we land in Costa Rica. This means you'll need a little cash in your pocket. (Remember you cannot carry a water bottle on the plane!)
  • We will be providing purified drinking water for the entire team during our stay in Costa Rica.
  • You will want to pack an empty water bottle or "sport bottle" in your bag that can be easily refilled throughout the day. (we will have a 5 gallon jug to dispense purified water while on location)

What is the currency & exchange rate?

  • We kicked around some guesses as to what the current exchange rate was for Costa Rican Colon. Click here to get today's rate.

Do they have toilet paper?

  • Yes they do. But do not put toilet paper in the toilet. The plumbing is not designed to handle toilet paper so you must put toilet paper in the small garbage can next to the toilet.
  • Also, no drinking from the "little drinking fountains" in the bathrooms. (they aren't drinking fountains!)

How much spending money do I need and what do I do with my valuables while I'm there?

  • A general rule of thumb is to try to remember that you are on a mission trip. It's fine to want to bring a few things back but nobody should single-handedly try to revive the economy of Costa Rica. I'd suggest not bringing ton’s of money. This will help you resist the temptation to buy things on impulse. I don't want to tell people what the proper amount is so let me just leave you with this bit of advice that also happens to be the speed limit in Montana: Be reasonable and prudent.
  • You are responsible for your money at all times. Don’t leave it laying around.
  • We also recommend that you keep money in separate places, so that it can't all be lost at once.
  • As with anytime you are traveling, you will want to wear a backpacks that cannot be easily accessed, and keep your wallet in your front pocket.

What if I need a band-aid?

  • Kathi Meade and Robert Morgan will both be bringing team med kits filled with the basic medical necessities (including Imodium).

What are the basic things I'll need to bring?

  • As our departure date approaches we will be providing you all with a more detailed checklist of what to bring, but for now here are a few essentials that we discussed:
  • Passport
  • Copy of Passport (for Mr. Neill to carry)
  • Light leather gloves for working
  • Clothing should be nothing special
  • Light jacket or sweatshirt that can be easily removed as temperatures change.
  • Shoes to work in (no working in sandals)
  • Bible, pen, & notebook or journal
  • Bedding
    • 1 fitted sheet
    • sleeping bag or blanket

What NOT to Bring?

  • personal audio players (MP3 players)
  • cell phones
  • video games
  • machetes
  • necklaces
  • bracelets
  • firearms
  • throwing stars

How much can my bags weigh?

  • 50 lbs. is the NEW maximum weight limit for bags. Weigh them before you leave the house.

What are the carry-on requirements or restrictions?

  • Space does not permit me to go into the detail necessary regarding what can and cannot be packed. The TSA has provided a detailed website specifically dedicated to this issue. Please take the time to click here and read the requirements.
  • Click here for the current regulations regarding liquids.
  • We recommend packing 2 changes of clothes in your carry on just in case you have a luggage "issue".
  • At present we are planning on flying Continental. You can read their baggage requirements here.
  • don’t allow anyone that you don't know carry your bags at any time.

How do I call home or send e-mails?

  • There are a couple of ways that we are planning on keeping in contact while in Costa Rica. I plan to keep this site up and running and to make a daily post so that everyone will know what we are up to. We have not yet learned if the YWAM base has on site internet access. If not, I will try to hit an internet cafe and post from there.
  • As for phone calls... Most homes do not have landline phones because of the popularity of cellular technology. However there are places (similar to an internet cafe) where phone calls can be made. You may want to purchase an international phone card before leaving. I've heard that AT&T is a convenient prepaid card to use. Check those out here.

Friday, March 23, 2007

New Meeting Date Added! (Edited Version)

Mark your calendars! We have added a new team meeting date on Saturday, June 9th (the day before we fly to Costa Rica). We will be meeting here at the School at 7:00 pm and Robert will be going through some training materials with the team.

Following the training session, the guys will be heading over to the Drake's and the girls will be going over to the Meade's to get a few hours of sleep before we leave (around 2:30 am). This will make it easier for us to assure that all are present and accounted for and to have all our luggage loaded up well before our departure from Jackson. We'll be taking a JCS bus to the airport. So, plan on a fun night together before we head to Costa Rica.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Random Facts: Costa Rican National Bird

I thought I'd periodically post some random facts about Costa Rica so that we could all be learning some stuff about the country we will be going to. So... here you go.

The National Bird

The "Yigüirro" (Turdus grayi), also known as the clay colored robin or gray thrush, was designated National Bird on November, 1976. The "Yigüirro," found throughout Costa Rica, represents the fertility of the earth, the symbol of the rain fertilizing the earth, the richness of Costa Rican soil. The "Yigüirro" sings to claim rain since it generally sings at the beginning of the rainy season and mate during that season. Listen to the "Yigüirro" by clicking here.

The nesting season takes place between April and May. During this time, the "Yigüirro" does not sing and lays from two to three eggs. The "Yigüirro" a friendly and peaceful bird, is not afraid of humans, however, it protects its brood. Read more about the Clay-colored Robin here.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Deadline Checkup!

Today was deadline #1. The next $400 is due on Monday March 26th. These deadlines are for the purpose of getting all of the airline and initial deposit money to our partnering ministries in order to purchase our tickets. I have not Yet received checks from everyone (you know who you are). Please bring in your payments as soon as possible so that we can be sure to buy your plane ticket!

Also, I need everyone to give me your name (as it appears on your passport) and your passport #. It's probably best if you bring this information to me personally as opposed to emailing it. If you don't have your passport yet then make sure you get me that info as soon as it arrives in the mail.

I am assuming that everyone has at least applied for their passports by now. If not... get going.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Next Meeting Date Changed

I've moved our Monday, March 19th meeting to Saturday March 24th. Robert Morgan at Ultimate Goal will be in town to do chapel here at JCS on Friday, March 23rd @ 8:05 am. Since he is in town he wanted to meet with us as a team and get to know us a little more.

The Drakes have opened their home to host us for Saturday evening, March 24th from 6-9pm. Plan to eat before you come and we'll just have snacks and hang out with Robert . It would be great if everyone could bring either a 2 liter or a bag of chips. (Find the Drake's house here)

Ironically, I have a previous engagement planned for that day, but didn't want to pass up the opportunity for the rest of you to get to know Robert while he is here. Please let me know if you are unable to attend this meeting.

Parents are welcome to attend the chapel on Friday morning, March 23rd in order to get an opportunity to hear from Robert and to meet him personally.

Friday, March 2, 2007

1st Payment Due Next Week!

Now is when we will all feel the pressure of not having the details of this trip earlier.

As you know from the fact sheet, the first payment of $400 is requested by Monday, March 5. I understand that many of you have not yet had time to receive support letters back yet (hopefully you have sent them out already!!).

I am understanding of this, therefore I have extend that deadline out to Friday March 16th. Let's all be praying that God will provide the funds for everyone on this team.